Software Security: which tools to build, validate, fix and audit code security while keeping track of attack evolution?
This day aimas at offering our community working on systems, software and network security to meet and share around the topic of sofware security. It will be composed of several presentations on varied topics. The first talk is scheduled at 9 AM and the day is expected to end at 6 PM.
Participation to this event is free but registration is mandatory, before November 19th.
Présentations confirmées
The complete program will shortly be published. For the moment, here are the confirmed speakers:
Ange Albertini (Google) - Formats de fichiers: structures et conséquences
Ryad Benadjila, Arnaud Ebalard and Patricia Mouy (Anssi) - Verification of a x509 parser
Frédéric Besson (Inria/Irisa) - Information-Flow Preservation in Compiler Optimisations
Pierre Chifflier (ANSSI) - Rust: Towards Better Code Security
Stéphane Duverger (Airbus)- Tendances et contraintes de l'automatisation de fuzzing d'OS embarqué - point de vue d'un industriel
Éric Lacombe (Airbus) - Éprouver la robustesse d'un système avec Fuddly
Sebastian Poeplau (Eurecom) - Systematic Comparison of Symbolic Execution Systems: Intermediate Representation and its Generation
Practical informations
The event will be held on Wednesday November 27th in the Paris building of ESIEA, 9 rue Vésale, 75005 Paris (métro 7 Gobelins).